The World at War
There are 26 episodes in the British television documentary series, "The World at War." When it was completed in1973, it cost£900,000, making it the most costly series ever created. An orchestral score composed by Carl Davis is included in the film's production, narrated by Laurence Olivier. By Mark Arnold-Forster and published in 1973, The World at War is an accompanying book for the television series. When The World at War was finished, it was hailed as a landmark in British television history, and it continues to be so today. Jeremy Isaacs, the film's producer, was hailed as a visionary for bringing military history back into the public consciousness after the war's conclusion. As one example, the series depicted, among other things, the harrowing human experiences of the war; how soldiers, sailors and airmen, civilians and the terrible victims of tyranny and concentration camp inmates were influenced by life and death during the war years.